Dynamically adding forms to a formset using jQuery

Hello Sunday,

Finally, I have time to blog. This is how I made forms of the inline formset can be add dynamically using jQuery.

Adding this following javacsript to your template (and of-couse, the jquery lib):

$(document).ready(function() {    // Code adapted from http://djangosnippets.org/snippets/1389/     function updateElementIndex(el, prefix, ndx) { var id_regex = new RegExp('(' + prefix + '-\\d+-)'); var replacement = prefix + '-' + ndx + '-'; if ($(el).attr("for")) $(el).attr("for", $(el).attr("for").replace(id_regex,  replacement)); if (el.id) el.id = el.id.replace(id_regex, replacement); if (el.name) el.name = el.name.replace(id_regex, replacement);  }  function deleteForm(btn, prefix) { var formCount = parseInt($('#id_' + prefix + '-TOTAL_FORMS').val()); if (formCount > 1) {  // Delete the item/form  $(btn).parents('.item').remove();  var forms = $('.item'); // Get all the forms    // Update the total number of forms (1 less than before)  $('#id_' + prefix + '-TOTAL_FORMS').val(forms.length);  var i = 0;  // Go through the forms and set their indices, names and IDs  for (formCount = forms.length; i < formCount; i++) { $(forms.get(i)).children().children().each(function() {  if ( $(this).attr('type') == 'text' ) updateElementIndex(this, prefix, i); });  } } // End if else { alert("You have to enter at least one period!"); } return false;  }    function addForm(btn, prefix) { var formCount = parseInt($('#id_' + prefix + '-TOTAL_FORMS').val()); // You can only submit a maximum of 10 todo items  //~ if (formCount < 10) {  // Clone a form (without event handlers) from the first form  var row = $(".item:first").clone(false).get(0);  // Insert it after the last form  $(row).removeAttr('id').hide().insertAfter(".item:last").slideDown(300);    // Remove the bits we don't want in the new row/form  // e.g. error messages  $(".errorlist", row).remove();  $(row).children().removeClass("error");    // Relabel or rename all the relevant bits  $(row).children().children().each(function() { updateElementIndex(this, prefix, formCount); $(this).val("");  });    // Add an event handler for the delete item/form link   $(row).find(".delete").click(function() { return deleteForm(this, prefix);  });  // Update the total form count  $("#id_" + prefix + "-TOTAL_FORMS").val(formCount + 1); //~ } // End if //~ else {  //~ alert("Sorry, you can only enter a maximum of ten items."); //~ } return false;  }  // Register the click event handlers  $("#add").click(function() { return addForm(this, "ptcperiod_set");  });    $(".delete").click(function() { return deleteForm(this, "ptcperiod_set");  }); });  


Adding Add button (id='add') and Delete button (id='delete') in the template, and enjoy the beauty of jQuery!

Note: to get the prefix ('ptcperiod_set'), using developer tools of Chrome, and select the formset element in the page (you will see st like : 'id_ptcperiod_set-TOTAL_FORMS')



P/S: the above script is written in http://stellarchariot.com/blog/2011/02/dynamically-add-form-to-formset-using-javascript-and-django/ by ARUN NEELAKANDAN
