edX-platform - Remove the error phantomjs is not found.

You will see a blue warning message when starting the LMS or CMS:

"phantomjs not found on path. Set $PHANTOMJS_PATH. Using browser for jasmine tests"

It's not something fatal, but I want to get rid of it :D Here is how i did it:

1. Inside the VirtualMachine (vagrant ssh), cd to /opt/edx/edx-platform/node_modules/ and install phantomjs:

sudo npm install phantomjs -g

phantomjs will be installed inside the node_modules dir. Change permission for the phantomjs dir:

sudo chmod 755 phantomjs

2. Include the phantomjs path to your PATH: add this line to the end of ~/.bashrc :

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/edx/edx-platform/node_modules/phantomjs/bin
eval "$(rbenv init -)"

And no more warning / error about phantomjs.

Updates July 24, 2013: Pull the latest source code from master and you only need to install the phantomjs, and everything will just be fine: `sudo npm install phantomjs -g`.
