Plone - Up and Running with Vagrant

I was looking for a Document Management System written in Python, and I found Plone. Genius! Plone is a CMS but It has so many features and plugins so I can make it a DMS easily. Just amazing!

There is an easy way to deploy a Plone instance. It's via vagrant. Just follow these following steps:

0. Install VirtualBox and Vagrant

1.  Clone the plone vagrant source from github:

2. Inside the source directory, run the `vagrant up` command to bring up the virtual machine

3. Inside the source directory, run `vagrant ssh` to connect to the virtual machine

4. Create a Zope instance (Plone is based on Zope framework) by the command:

/home/vagrant/Plone/zinstance/bin/plonectl start

The Plone CMS will run on port 8080 of the virtual machine and It is forwarded to port 8080 of the host machine. So you can access the Plone by open browser on your laptop and type in the url:


That's it! Cool huh!!
