edX-platform - Change site name used in account activation email
The default configuration for SITE_NAME used in account activation email of edx-platform can be change by modify the following file:
# nano /edx/app/edxapp/lms.env.json
"SITE_NAME": "your.custom.domain",
Restart the LMS/CMS service:
# /edx/bin/supervisorctl -c /edx/etc/supervisord.conf restart edxapp:
# /edx/bin/supervisorctl -c /edx/etc/supervisord.conf restart edxapp_worker:
# nano /edx/app/edxapp/lms.env.json
"SITE_NAME": "your.custom.domain",
Restart the LMS/CMS service:
# /edx/bin/supervisorctl -c /edx/etc/supervisord.conf restart edxapp:
# /edx/bin/supervisorctl -c /edx/etc/supervisord.conf restart edxapp_worker:
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