OpenLDAP - alock package is unstable

This morning, After making some changes, I fail to start the slapd service, and this is the error log:

Mar 31 10:20:30 SRVR-UParentLDAP slapd[16175]: hdb_db_open: database "dc=my,dc=domain,dc=com": alock package is unstable.                                         
Mar 31 10:20:30 SRVR-UParentLDAP slapd[16175]: backend_startup_one (type=hdb, suffix="dc=my,dc=domain,dc=com"): bi_db_open failed! (-1)                           
Mar 31 10:20:30 SRVR-UParentLDAP slapd[16175]: slapd stopped. 

This error's related to the file permission of ldap db in /var/lib/ldap/. So, I just change the owner of those files to openldap:

# cd /var/lib/ldap/
# chown openldap:openldap -R ./*

Then, start the slapd service again:

# service slapd start

It works like a charm!

