Remove the ending character (delimiter) of the breadcrumb in MindTouch Core 10.1.3
To remove the ending character (the delimiter, ">") of the breadcrumb in MindTouch Core (v10.1.3), you can do the following:
1. Open this file /path/to/dekiwiki/includes/Skin.php:
$ nano /path/to/dekiwiki/includes/Skin.php
2. Go to line 168 and remove the special character output (in red color):
function getHierarchy() {
$parents = $this->getParents();
$rootNode = count($parents) == 1;
//special case; when you're on the home page, let's add an extra delimiter at the end, so it doesn't look like freestanding text
if ($rootNode) {
$parents[] = '';
return is_array($parents)
? '<span class="dw-hierarchy">'.implode(' '.htmlspecialchars(wfMsg('Skin.Common.breadcrumb-delimiter')).' ', $parents).'</span>'
: '';
1. Open this file /path/to/dekiwiki/includes/Skin.php:
$ nano /path/to/dekiwiki/includes/Skin.php
2. Go to line 168 and remove the special character output (in red color):
function getHierarchy() {
$parents = $this->getParents();
$rootNode = count($parents) == 1;
//special case; when you're on the home page, let's add an extra delimiter at the end, so it doesn't look like freestanding text
if ($rootNode) {
$parents[] = '';
return is_array($parents)
? '<span class="dw-hierarchy">'.implode(' '.htmlspecialchars(wfMsg('Skin.Common.breadcrumb-delimiter')).' ', $parents).'</span>'
: '';