Open Source MANO VNF onboarding tool

If you're working in the telco industry, you may realize an exciting race what is happening. It's the NFV Orchestration and Management (MANO) system. The origin of that is ETSI's work on the NFV MANO specification . After ETSI released the spec, many organizations have been trying to implement its own NFV MANO system including OpenStack Tacker , OPNFV , ONAP , and ETSI itself also adopted an open source project called Open Source MANO (OSM). I will explore a tool called VNF Descriptor Generator of OSM in this blog post. What is VNF Descriptor Generator? It's a web interface that helps you to generate VNF and NS Descriptor packages ready for launch (onboarding). By filling out all the information of your VNFs in the web form, the tool will provide you a VNFD package and an NSD package for you to download. This helps you to avoid typos and misconfiguration when you have to prepare the package manually. 1. In your OSM web interface, go to launchpad, VNF Descriptor g...