Searchlight weekly report - Stein R-17

I finished the tasks at work earlier this week so I can have free time to write this week report for Searchlight. The main focus of this week is to help Searchlight pass functional tests. After several attempts, I figured out that the functional tests fail because for some reasons ElasticSearch needs more time to start. So what I did is to tell the test set to wait 10 seconds before ElasticSearch to fully up and running [1]. I also updated some packages and simplified the script by moving the jdk8 installation logic out to the bindep.txt [2] [3]. Looking deeper into the issue, I can observe that ElasticSearch has some strange behavior in the new test environment which is Ubuntu 18.04. The ElasticSearch installation task in the devstack test also fails [4]. I'm not sure what happened with the packages of Ubuntu but maybe we need to tune the test setup for ElasticSearch to make it work again. Anyway, we can merge new code of Searchlight now!! Yay!!! Reference:...